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In April former French government minister Jerome Cahuzac had admitted to holding a secret 600,000-euro ($800,000) Swiss bank account after months of denying it. He had resigned as budget minister two weeks earlier while still protesting his innocence.
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&#8220;You&#8217;ve seen them on the westerns&#8230;You ride into a box canyon and you&#8217;re kind of stuck&#8230;I mean how do you get out?&#8221; Corker, R-Tenn., said. &#8220;Unfortunately, Americans&#8217; expectations about Republicans and what they can do have been raised to a level that&#8217;s beyond delivery.&#8221;
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“We put ourselves in position to win it late,” Smith said after the Jets heartbreaking 13-10 loss to the Patriots. “Costly mistakes that were completely on me. I take the full responsibility for that. I will get better than this.”
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That&#8217;s a move people have expected for years from Facebook but haven&#8217;t seen, supposedly because Facebook is busy figuring out how to sell ads on its own properties, to its own users. But Twitter may have a good reason to look beyond its borders for more dollars.
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Stephen Redmond, chair of the panel, told Turner she had failed in her duty to provide a high standard of care and "showed a serious lack of personal and professional commitment to equality and diversity".
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When Spitzer made his first run for attorney general in 1994, he claimed to have financed the unsuccessful race with personal funds. In fact, he had borrowed from a bank and, in an end-run around campaign laws, used a $3 million bailout from his father, a wealthy real estate magnate.
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* Australian petrol and convenience store retailer UnitedPetroleum is exploring a potential sale or a joint venture ofthe business that has a value of about A$1 billion ($921million) including debt, people familiar with the matter toldReuters.
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West said he wasn't sure if Muslims were responsible for the 9/11 attacks. "That's a good question," he told Media Research Center reporter Dan Joseph. "I just don't know. ... I think bin Laden had something to do with it," he conceded, but "I'm open to [other theories]."
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There is a slight chance the two sides could reach a fundingdeal before the government's fiscal year ends at midnight onMonday. Congress could also act at any time to end the impasseif a shutdown did occur.
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Cole magic story very thanks http://phatfabe.com/stmap_21snbbax.html?ursodiol.yasmin.cialis.eulexin ciplox picaturi nazale &ldquo;Thank God Gaddafi is gone,&rdquo; said street vendor Ali Maktah, flashing a broad smile as he prepared for a busy day in Martyrs&rsquo; Square. &ldquo;It is so much better now. Now we have our freedom.&rdquo; 2022-04-12 17:45:01
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Keith I've come to collect a parcel https://www.goodworkint.com/stmap_62kqmdaq.html?levitra.volmax.palmetto efectos secundarios del albuterol en bebes The Bank of England decides whether to launch another round of quantitative easing (QE) on Thursday. After last month&rsquo;s unanimous vote for the status quo, it would be a surprise if there was any substantive announcement, especially as the big monetary event will be next week&rsquo;s Inflation Report. 2022-04-12 18:07:13
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Fredric History http://www.surfinglabenne.com/stmap_72pkzsdq.html?zyban.levitra.alfacalcidol citymed pharmacy Kelly Osbourne tops the celebrity ink charts with a total of 11 tattoos. But after several stints in rehab, a reformed Osbourne says she feels like the tattoos are now permanent reminders of bad times in her life. In an interview with 'Access Hollywood,' Osbourne issued a warning to younger viewers. 'Don&#146;t get tattoos, please, because you hate them when you get older,' she said. 'I hate them.' Some of Osbourne's most prominent tats were on display when she modeled at Naomi Cambell's Fashion for Relief Haiti benefit during New York Fashion Week (above left to right), which include an anchor and a keyboard on her forearms, as well as a pair of angel wings on her back. 2022-04-29 10:29:44
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Mossberg and Swisher together take slightly more than 50percent of AllThingsD’s conference revenue, including ticketsales and sponsorships, according to people familiar with thebusiness, who asked not to be identified because the terms areprivate. The contract was originally negotiated years beforeNews Corp.’s Rupert Murdoch acquired AllThingsD as part of hisDow Jones purchase, and he and other executives bristled at thearrangement, people with knowledge of their thinking said.
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The NTSB is the lead investigator of Asiana Airlines flight214, a Boeing 777 that broke apart and burned aftercrash-landing short of the runway. Two teenage Chinesepassengers were killed, and more than 180 other people wereinjured in the first fatal accident involving a 777 since theplane was introduced in 1995.
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